National Family Health and Fitness Day, September 29th

3 Ways to Get Active During National Family Health and Fitness Day:
Picture this: you are back in elementary school and one of the two best days of the year is finally here. No, it is not the Book Fair and no, you cannot buy the super cool massive pencils and erasers. However, the other single greatest day has finally arrived: Field Day! Basically a day devoted to recess, there is no homework to be done and your only assignment is to have fun outside. It might sound too good to be true, but those Field Days from elementary school are still available to anyone over the age of 11. Behold National Family Health and Fitness day, an exciting day where you and your family are invited to head out to your local park, YMCA, or gym and burn some calories. With today’s society moving towards an increasing sediment lifestyle, taking the time to go outside and get simple exercise of any kind cannot be stressed enough. Here are 3 ways to get make sure your family does not miss out on the fun:
1. Reach out to your local YMCA to see about upcoming events.
YMCA’s are known as being a community and family-friendly place to get exercise, so September 29th should be as good a time as ever to be there. They will definitely be one of the many locations around the community that will be welcoming this holiday with family-related events inspiring people to get physically active.
2. Create your own family Field Day
When in doubt, jump-about. If you are unsure whether a local area is going to host a Family Health and Fitness day activity, invite over your family and friends to create your own! Have a water-balloon fight, paired with jumping jacks, while trying to run a potato sack race. Any way you can imagine it, you are going to be outside getting fun exercise with the family. You can keep it light and non-competitive, or create a new family tradition with some two-hand touch football. The bumps and bruises will be worth it in the long run as you hold bragging rights over your favorite cousin for the next year. Feel free to swing on by us here at West Sacramento Urgent Care if the games get a little too rough as well.
3. Trick your mind, not your body
If the thought of physical exercise makes you want to run in the opposite direction (which would still counts as exercise), you might want to try tricking yourself into doing it. Enroll your family in a dancing class for a nice alternative way to get out of the house and burning some calories. If you have a younger child going crazy for the popular video game Fortnite, they even have classes out there where they will teach you the dance moves from it! You will most likely forget that you are even exercising until you can nail every move in the game.
Simply put, exercising with your family is the most healthy way to create a lasting bond with the people closest to you. It cannot be underestimated, the effect that a few hours of exercise can have on your body, and to do it in an exciting, community setting can only lead to good things. Do not miss out on all of the upcoming events for this National Family Health and Fitness Day and do not forget to tag West Sacramento Urgent Care on Facebook in an active family picture to receive a gift from us.
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